
At the cutting edge of innovation

More than 20 years of experience in the management and development of R&D&I projects

Professionalism to innovate, invest and develop technology

Cuadriptico. SOERMAR English version

WHO WE ARE Soermar Fundation And Technological Center

In 1988, the need to apply technology in the manufacture of fishing vessels led to the creation of the Soermar Technology Center, which would help small and medium-sized shipyards in the design and construction of vessels with the most advanced technology in the sector.

In 2002 the Soermar Technological Center Foundation was established, the purpose of which will be to seek new lines of joint action in Technical and Technological matters that improve the competitiveness of the Shipyards.

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We accumulate more than 20 years of experience in the management and development of R&D&I projects of shipyards. It is time to join forces and synergies with the rest of the companies in the maritime sector, to achieve the competitiveness of the sector, launching projects of greater depth.

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We promote national and European projects and studies for the maritime sector in all technological fields that represent a competitive improvement for companies. Our effort and commitment is to make it available to companies in the sector.

Proyecto Soluciones Innovadoras Eficientes para el Almacenamiento y Generación de Hidrógeno y Amoníaco Verde
AMONH2, para el diseño de un prototipo de pila de combustible dual de hidrógeno renovable y amoníaco.

El objetivo principal de SOERMAR, junto a Freire Shipyard S.A., Astilleros de Santander, S.A.U. y Astilleros de Mallorca, S.A., está llevando a cabo un estudio de viabilidad de implementar un conjunto de producción y almacenamiento de “Hidrógeno Verde”...

El objetivo principal de SEABAT consiste en desarrollar un concepto marítimo híbrido 100% eléctrico, basado en baterías modulares de alta energía y baterías de alta potencia, así como nuevos conceptos de convertidores y soluciones tecnológicas…

SOERMAR, junto con Astilleros Zamakona, S.A, Freire Shipyard, S.A. y Estudios Energéticos e Industriales de Ingeniería, E2I2C2,llevamos a cabo un estudio para la viabilidad del primer prototipo de recogida de residuos flotantes y procesado de plásticos



The Soermar Company Chair, was created in 2014, is dedicated to the technological fields of shipbuilding and the exploitation of ocean resources, being in close relationship with the Higher Technical School of Naval Engineers, collaborating in the training of students and supporting the preparation of R&D&I projects in technologies applicable to the maritime sector.

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